Lucy-Anne Holmes

24 Aug

Totally random pic I took this afternoon...

Everytime I come back from London, I find myself with at least 6 books in my suitcase… call me bookaholic. This summer I didn’t stop my tradition and my new discovery is Lucy-Anne Holmes.

On a rainy evening in London – Pimlico I started reading her first book “50 Ways to find a lover” and I buried my nose in it for three hours, despite the weariness of an entire day as a tourist (tourists are crazy… you know) . The title might suggest the usual romance novel and it actually belongs to that category, but it has definitely that little bit extra. The humor is biting, the situations are very funny and the plot is ingenious.

The main character is particularly funny, sometimes irreverent and nice. The adventures of a single woman is not a new theme but I really appreciated the originality and the wittiness.

Sarah Sargeant has been single for three years and nine months. She has just spent five months plucking up the courage to ask out a balding man with a paunch who works in her local pub. The gentleman in question informed her that he would rather stay in and watch the Narnia movie on DVD. Her pride has not just been bruised, it’s been disembowelled. And she vows it’s the last time she will ever reach out to a member of the opposite sex.

But her family and friends have other ideas. They enter her into a reality TV show against her will, persuade her to go speed dating and even more radically, they encourage her to start a blog. Suddenly Sarah Sargeant is on a mission.

A mission to explore 50 Ways To Find A Lover.

Since I devoured the first book I noticed with joy a billboard in the Tube about a new book. “The (im) perfect Girlfriend” is definitely a worthy sequel of the first book and it’s every bit as good as classics like Bridget Jones or Sophie Kinsella’s novels.

In this novel we find Sarah who has finally found her love but it seems she’s doing everything she could to lose it! Topics such as jealousy and perfection are always discussed with the usual author’s shrewd humor.

You’ll fall in love with Sarah … I’m sure!

Check out her official site and follow her on Twitter!

Second random pic...

One Response to “Lucy-Anne Holmes”


  1. Lucy-Anne Holmes « It's No Big Deal 2.0 - 24 August 2010

    […] ago (almost) English version of this article L'orsetto è per restare in tema londinese… composizione […]

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